Tuesday 21 August 2012

Sapphire: Birthstone for September

Sapphire is one of the most popular gemstones, and is used extensively in Jewelry. Fine colored Sapphire with a deep blue color and excellent transparency can reach several thousand dollars a carat. The blue variety is most often used in jewelry, but the yellow, pink, and orange "fancies" have recently become very popular. Green and light blue Sapphires are also known, but are less commonly used in jewelry. Opaque Black Sapphire is also used a minor gemstone.

Sapphire is used in all forms of jewelry, including bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. It is used both as centerpiece gemstone in pendants and rings, as well as a secondary stone to complement other gemstones such as Diamonds. Star Sapphires are polished as cabochons, and, if clear, are extremely valuable.

The rare orange-pink variety, known as Padparadschah, can be even more valuable than fine blue Sapphire. Blue Sapphire is sometimes carved into cameos or small figures, especially the less transparent material. Synthetic Sapphire is often used as a cheap substitute for the natural material.

Sapphire is the birthstone of September.

Besides for the varieties of Sapphire listed below, Sapphire with color other than blue are prefixed with their color names. The main gemstone colors in addition to blue Sapphire include:
Yellow Sapphire (sometimes also called "Golden Sapphire" if intensely colored)
Pink Sapphire
White Sapphire (describes Sapphire that is colorless)
Green Sapphire
Purple Sapphire
Orange Sapphire
Black Sapphire

Note that there are several other less-commonly used variety names of Sapphire. This list can be seen on the extended gemstone list page.
  • Color-Change Sapphire  -   Sapphire that exhibits a different color in natural and artificial light.
  • Cornflower Blue Sapphire  -  Describing Sapphire with a cornflower-blue color, which can be better described as an intense, velvety-blue color. This term is often used in conjunction with Kashmir Sapphire to describe the Sapphire of that region, but it can also be used to describe any Sapphire with such color. Cornflower blue is the most desirable color in a Sapphire.
  • Fancy Sapphire  -   Describing any Sapphire with a color other than blue.
  • Kashmir Sapphire  -  Sapphire with an intense, velvety-blue color, described from the Kashmir Province of India. Kashmir Sapphire is considered to have the finest color of all Sapphire.
  • Padparadschah  -   Orange-pink variety of Sapphire that is found in Sri Lanka; highly regarded and one of the most valuable forms of Sapphire.
  • Star Sapphire  -  Well-known form of Sapphire displaying asterism in the form of a distinct, six-rayed star. Of all the gemstones that display asterism, Star Sapphire is most highly regarded and well-known.

Blue Star Sapphire

Intense Blue Sapphire

Pink Sapphire

Friday 3 August 2012

Fine Jewellery: Peridot.....August Birthsone

Fine Jewellery: Peridot.....August Birthsone: Peridot is a variety of Olivine. Peridot gets its colour from the presence of iron, It can be found in Canada, Egypt, Burma, Norway, Pa...

Peridot.....August Birthsone

Peridot is a variety of Olivine. Peridot gets its colour from the presence of iron, It can be found in Canada, Egypt, Burma, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.

Peridot Healing Properties

Facet cut Peridot gemstonesPeridot crystal♥ Healing ♥ Renewal ♥ Purification ♥ Rebirth ♥ Growth ♥ Relaxation ♥ Comfort ♥ Intuition
Peridot, also known as Chrysolite, is a variety of Olivine.  Peridot is a 16th Anniversary gemstone.
Chakras Solar Plexus ChakraHeart Chakra
Birthstone - August
Zodiac GeminiLeoVirgoScorpioSagittarius
Planet - Mercury
Typical colours - Olive green, bottle green, yellowish-green
Peridot is a powerful cleanser.  It releases and neutralises toxins on all levels.  Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, bitterness, irritation, hatred and greed.  Reduces stress, anger and guilt.  Peridot opens our hearts to joy and new relationships.  It enhances confidence and assertion, motivating growth and change.  Sharpens and opens the mind to new levels of awareness.  Banishes lethargy, apathy and exhaustion.  Peridot enables you to take responsibility for your own life.
Peridot strengthens the immune system, metabolism and benefits the skin.  It aids disorders of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen and intestinal tract.  Treats ulcer and strengthens eyes.  Balances bipolar disorders and overcomes hypochondria.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Moonstone, Smoky Quartz & Onyx pendant

This beautiful piece of handmade jewellery, shows the skill of the designer, each of the stones have been sourced from the places of origin. The stones are moonstone, Smoky Quartz and Onyx.

Moonstone Gemstone meaning:
passionate love that will fly you to the moon

It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other. Moonstone is a highly valued gemstone for these reasons:
  • Brings good fortune
  • Assists in foretelling the future
  • Enhances intuition
  • Promotes inspiration
  • Brings success in love as well as business matters
  • Offers protection on land and at sea
The moonstone is associated with the moon and was the stone of the goddess Diana. The most powerful time to use the moonstone is in a full moon.
It has been worn as an amulet to bring good emotions to the wearer, while protecting those of a sensitive nature. It can reunite lovers who have quarreled. Moonstone is also considered a good luck stone.
Moonstone is a very personal stone. It is a reflection of the person who owns it. It does not add or detract, only shows how it is. This is why the moonstone is said to perceive that which "is". Moonstone is an excellent stone to use in meditation to understand oneself. Placing it in the moonlight of a moon reaching its fullness, not a full or waning moon, can revitalize it. This is a particularly good gemstone for women. It is a good stone for young women or teenagers.

Healing properties of Moonstone

Moonstone is used by healers to stimulate the functioning of the pineal gland and balance internal hormone cycles with nature's rhythms. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman's stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.

Sources of moonstone

There are two moonstones. Adularia moonstone is an almost transparent pale gray or silvery white or blue shimmer. It is mainly found in Sri Lanka, Burma, India and Madagascar. Albite moonstone is in the feldspar group. It is semitransparent with a pale, shimmering reflection. It may be a little dull. It comes mainly from Canada.

Moonstone is quite a soft stone with a hardness of 6-6.5, it has a tenacity to be brittle so care must be taken when worn.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Fine Jewellery: Lapis Lazuli & Smokey Quartz necklace

Fine Jewellery: Lapis Lazuli & Smokey Quartz necklace: Please come into the shop to see these two beautiful pieces of Lapis Lazuli, both pieces are slightly different, the markings are call...

Lapis Lazuli & Smokey Quartz necklace

Please come into the shop to see these two beautiful pieces of Lapis Lazuli, both pieces are slightly different, the markings are called matrix, and shows the quality of the piece.

Lapis Lazuli gemstone meaning

Lapis lazuli is an ancient gem, and as such, has a storied history. Egyptian cultures made a practice of burying a lapis lazuli scarab with their dead, and believed it to offer protection. The very earliest cultures valued lapis lazuli more highly than gold. Greeks spoke of an ancient sapphire which was included with gold, and this was unmistakenly lapis. Some believed that dreaming of lapis would foretell love that would be forever faithful.
When working or meditating with Lapis Lazuli, it can bring matters more clearly to the mind. It is one of the most powerful stones and should be used with care. Wearing a Lapis Lazuli ring can help you to become a channel. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli as a symbol of Truth.

Healing properties of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed and should be only used by a healer. Lapis Lazuli has high intensity and can open many of the  chakra centers. This must be done only with love in the heart and comprehension in the mind and wisdom in soul.

Sources of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli can be found in Chile, the Soviet Union, the United States, but most significantly from the mountains of Afghanistan, the above pieces are sourced from Afganistan.

Friday 6 April 2012

Happy Easter

Happy good Friday. to all our customers old and new.


Thursday 5 April 2012

9ct Rutile Quartz & Diamond ring

Good  morning.  Now just a little note about this beautiful.Gemstone..The Rutilated Quartz.. This stone can be found in Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and the United States.

The inclusions that you can see in this ring are known as fleches d' amour (arrows of love), now if thats not a good reason to fall in love with this stone i don't know what is.

The stone is quite a hard stone. The ring above which is available at Sharpe & Graham Jewellers in Louth is also set with Diamonds, with a 9ct gold shank. Pop in and try how it feels.

Rutilated Quartz Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz♥ Protection ♥ Determination ♥ Self-control ♥ Strength of will ♥ Self-reliance ♥ Firmness
Rutilated Quartz is a variety of Quartz which contains naturally occuring strands of Rutile.
Chakras - All Chakras
Zodiac (Clear Quartz) - All birthsigns
Zodiac (Rutile) - GeminiTaurus
Typical colours - Clear with golden brown, reddish, or black strands of rutile
Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, and helps with spiritual growth.  It cleanses and energises the aura.  Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past.  Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others.  It helps to reach the root of problems and facilitates transitions and a change of direction.  Soothes dark moods and acts as an antidepressant.  Rutilated Quartz relieves fears, phobias and anxiety.  Promotes forgiveness at all levels.
Rutilated Quartz absorbs mercury poisoning from nerves, muscles, blood and the intestinal tract.  It is helpful for chronic conditions and for impotence and infertility.  Aids exhaustion and lack of energy.  Rutilated Quartz treats respiratory tract and bronchitis, stimulates and balances the thyroid.  It stimulates cell regeneration and repairs torn tissue. 


Wednesday 4 April 2012

individual hand made items

Individual pieces of hand made jewellery, set with semi-precious stones such as Tigers Eye, Lemon Quartz, can now be purchased with confidence at Sharpe & Graham jewellers, in the Newmarket hall in Louth.
